
  • 2016/02/15

    At the Helikon -Opera theater there starts the project “Queens of the Stage” – a cycle of artistic meetings with the stars of the theater and cinema, the opera divas, insigne figures of the art. The place of meetings – the White-columned hall of the princess of Shakhovskaya where the main characters of the project will embody the long ideas and dreams which still didn't come true owing to different circumstances and turns of destiny on stage.

  • 2016/02/10

    Lately The Artistic Director of Helikon-Opera Dmitry Bertman went to Helisinki, in where he is starting to rehearse ”The Rake’s Progress” by Igor Stravinsky.

  • 2016/02/08

    For the Defender of the Fatherland Day and the International Women's Day Helikon-opera prepared a special gift. Traditional concerts of soloists of Devichnik (sorority party) and Malchishnik (bachelor party)  will surprise the audience with unexpected programs.

  • 2016/02/03

    The first performance was visited by Head of the Department of Culture of Moscow, Alexander Kibovsky, Head of "Uralsib" Financial Corporation Nikolai Tsvetkov, Chairman of the META Foundation Fund Valentina Sigayova and other important guests.

  • 2016/01/28

    The memorial evening was devoted to the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust, this event concluded the "Week of Memory" - a series of commemorative and educational events organized by the Government of Moscow, the Russian Jewish Congress and the center of the "Holocaust".

  • 2016/01/24

    On January 27 in the context of the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust the memorial evening will be held in "Helikon-Opera". On this day in 1945, Soviet troops liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp - one of the largest of the death camps of Nazi Germany, which was located in nowadays Poland. The evening will feature songs "From Jewish Folk Poetry" by Shostakovich, Hostias and Sanctus from Mozart's Requiem, fragments of the Hymn of Nations cantata and Hebrew Slaves Choir from the "Nabucco" by G. Verdi.

  • 2016/01/20

    On the 19th of January famous pianist Andrey Korobeynikov performed "The Unheard Classics" program in Big Stravinsky hall of Helikon-opera. 

  • 2016/01/18

    ​Performances will be held from 2nd  to 7th of February, 2016 in the Great hall of the "Stravinsky". "Tsarina" is a bright and entertaining show for a family viewing, based on the contemporary music and literary material. This opera which is about the fate of the greatest  Russian Empress Catherine the Great has been written by the composer of our time David Tukhmanov in collaboration with the librettists Yuri Riashentsev and Galina Polidi.

  • 2015/12/18

    On the 19th of January, 2016 a pianist Andrey Korobeinikov presents his program "The Unheard Classics"on the stage of Stravinsky hall of Helikon-Opera

  • 2015/12/16

    On the 23rd of December, on the first night of the opera "Eugene Onegin", the theater invites audience to a tour "P. Tchaikovsky. EUGENE ONEGIN. Lyrical scenes", prepared by Helikon-opera jointly with the State Memorial Museum-Preserve of P. I. Tchaikovsky in the town of Klin.

  • 2015/12/15

    The program of the evening, organized by Helikon-Opera together with Elena Obraztsova Foundation, covered different areas of the composer's works: songs and romances on verses of Russian poets, symphonic and oratorio works.

  • 2015/12/08

    "War and Peace. Reading the novel" project, devoted to the 150th anniversary since creation of the great epic, started in Helikon-opera.

  • 2015/12/04

    Moscow music theater Helikon-Opera will become the principal film set for the  Russian State Television and Radio Company (VGTRK) project "War and Peace. Reading the novel", dedicated to the 150th anniversary since the greatest epic novel was written.

  • 2015/12/04

    On the December 4th, 2015 the Head of the Museum of Moscow Musical Theatre Helikon-opera Anna Gribkova celebrates her jubilee.

  • 2015/11/30

    During the Christmas holidays Helikon-Opera invites children and their parents to the music performance "The New Year in the Fairy Tale City".


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