With the grandiose opera ball Helikon-opera has celebrated its 30th anniversary!
With the grandiose opera ball Helikon-opera has celebrated its 30th anniversary!
April, 10 was always the specific day for the helikonians, because since 1990 this date has become the official birthday of the theatre. Traditionally Helikon celebrates its birthdays with imagination, humor, fun and surprises. That sort of a luxurious event should had been the theater's 30th jubilee, which matched this year with the quarantine period. And this day has finally come - the celebration we were waiting for more than half a year took place, with the observance of all the necessary restrictions due to the epidemic.
Helikon has received lots of congratulations: from the minister of culture of Russia, dozens of embassies of the countries, where Helikon was on tour have sent their congratulations.
That evening we have remembered those, who at one time had helped the young theatre with their support, attention, those, who had put one's heart in theatre’s establishment, those, who are no longer with us: Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Mstislav Rostropovich, Boris Pokrovsky, Irina Arkhipova, Galina Vishnevskaya, Elena Obraztsova, Eri Klas, Andrejs Zhagars – more than 40 names of famous people from art and culture field.
In the theatre’s foyer everyone interested had a possibility to leave a “message to future” – the time capsule will be kept under the glass floor during 70 years. It will be triumphantly opened on the 100th anniversary of the theatre – on April, 10 in 2090!
Together with the helikonians the 30th anniversary have celebrated the thetare’s friends – world stars: Hibla Gerzmava, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, two-time Grammy winner Ildar Abdrazakov, Ekaterina Semenchuk, Evgeniya Muravyova, Yuri Minenko. Cecilia Masabane Rangwanasha – the soloist of The Royal Opera House “Covent Garden”, has arrived from London to congratulate Helikon-opera. The acquaintance with Russia has started with Helikon! With a great pleasure Cecilia has accepted the helikonian atmosphere and felt in love with it.
The celebration turned out very shining, happy and sincere.
Photo Irina Shymchak и Julia Osadcha