The premiere of Tosca by G. Puccini
On February, 10 (2021) the premiere of “Tosca” by G. Puccini took place at Helikon-opera. Congratulations!
Finally the fifth opera of the italian genius G. Puccini appeared at the Helikon-opera repertoire! Everything is intertwined in "Tosca" – tragedy, love, death, jealousy.
This opera is a real challenge to a director due to the hundred versions of this genious of this piece. His first “Tosca" Dmitry Bertman has staged in Riga (Latvia National Opera) in 2004 at his friend’s invitation – stage director Andrejs Žagars. The premiere in Helikon is dedicated to his memory.
“Tosca" – the most tragic opera by G. Puccini, has gained a lot of cliches over the years of its scenic life. Dmitry Bertman has proposed his own version of the plot, searching for another motivation of characters' actions. The result is phenomenal – the audience met the director's decision with great enthusiasm.
Congratulations to the all authors of the production: director Dmitry Bertman, conductor Valery Kiryanov, set designer - Igor Nezhny, costume designer - Tatiana Tulubieva, light Designer — Damir Ismagilov and Denis Enyukov, choreographer Edvald Smirnov, assistants Ilya Ilyin and Mikhail Sabelev.
We are grateful to our young friends from the children's choir ( Tchaikovsky Academic Music College at the Moscow State Conservatory) for the highly professional participation in the production!
The premiere was supported by the worldwide known company “Baskin-Robbins”, which has presented the new kind of ice cream – “Vitamin Ice Cream”.
Chocolate factory RK Shakhovskaya has produced the limited edition of the chocolate with the portrait of Princess Shakhovskaya.
Moreover, our audience had a possibility to buy unique italian delicacy - panforte. It is traditional chewy dessert for Christmas and Easter. Enrico Rigi, owner of the confectioners shop, had baked new variety of panforte on the occasion of the visit of Queen Margaret of Savoy - "Margarita". And it is known for certain, that Queen Margaret of Savoy was on the Tosca premiere on January 14 (1900) in the Roman Opera.
Фотографии Ирины Шымчак, Антона Дубровского и Романа Нагина