The soloists of the Helikon-opera theatre and Deutsche Oper am Rhein have performed on the state reception, dedicated to the opening of the “Düsseldorf days in Moscow”.
The soloists of the Helikon-opera theatre and Deutsche Oper am Rhein have performed on the state reception, dedicated to the opening of the “Düsseldorf days in Moscow”. The friendship of the Moscow and Düsseldorf lasts already for 27 years. Over the years a lot of educational, cultural, art and business projects have been realized. Collaborative concerts of the Helikon-opera and Deutsche Oper am Rhein actors have also become traditional. This friendship between the theatres grows stronger every year. The evening was opened by the Düsseldorf’s Mayor Thomas Geisel and Sergey Cheremin - Minister of Moscow Government, Head of the Department for Foreign Economic and International Relations. Helikonians Maxim Perebeynos, Lydia Svetozarova, Julia Nikanorova and the soloists of the Deutsche Oper am Rhein Anke Krabbe, Ovidiu Purcel, Bogdan Talos have performed together in the concert. Pianoforte part was impersonated by Elena Sosulnikova.
Next meetings will take place in Düsseldorf and Duisburg in the framework of the “Russian seasons” project.