The troupe of the theatre has gathered together in "Helikon". The opening of the 29th theater season
On August 27, on the eve of the opening of the 29th theatre season, the troupe of the theatre has gathered together in "Helikon" after summer vacations.
Before the meeting, a press approach was held for the media, where Dmitry Bertman spoke about the artistic plans of the theatre for the new season.
Four premieres will become the main events of the season.
The first premiere will take place on the stage of the "Stravinsky Hall" - that will be the Opera of the great Mozart - "The Magic Flute"(“Zauberfleute”). It will be presented in two versions at Helikon, for both the adults and the children on November 14, 2018. The Stage Director is Ilya Ilyin. Music Director - Valery Kiryanov, the authors of the artistic design of the production - a creative group led by the Chief Architect of the city of Moscow Sergei Kuznetsov and the costume designer Sasha Frolov.
The next premiere of "Helikon-Opera" in the “Stravinsky Hall”–is the opera by G. F. Handel -"Orlando". It is scheduled for March 2019. In the work on the production of "Orlando" are involved – the Stage Director Georgy Isaakyan, the Music Director Andrew Lawrence-King(UK), the Set&Costume Designer Hartmut Schörghofer (Austria). Also, the project will be attended by the grandson of the outstanding Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev - Gabriel Prokofiev.
The premiere of Offenbach's operetta " Barbe-Bleue "staged by the winner of the Third international competition of young Opera Directors" Nano-Opera" Ruslan Bitsoev will take place in May 2019.
In July 2019, Dmitry Bertman will stage the project "Mr. Georg OTS" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the great singer. The performance will be created in cooperation with the Agency Eesti Kontsert, Russian and Estonian artists. Screenplay – Marina Skalkina. Art Director – Alina Luther(Estonia).
The Fourth international competition of young Opera Directors "NANO-OPERA" will be held at the Helikon-Opera theatre in May 2019.
Welcome to "Helikon"! Here you are always welcome!