Today the two significant events took place in the Helikon’s walls: for the first time after the coronavirus pandemic the audience has come to the theatre and for first time “The Stone Guest” by A. Dargomyzhsky has been presented of the stage of the Stravinsky Hall. "Look at our hall. Do you know how it was missing you? Half a year we have not been meeting here – only online. When everybody was seating at home, I have come here – it was terriblefeeling. The hall was howling! The seats were covered with the plastic wrap, the work light was on. It was very, very scared! And finally, we met now. We believe, that these walls, our love to you, yours love to us will make our meetings safe, because love makes wonders" - Dmitry Bertman addressed to the audience before the start.
Over the staging of the performance have been working: stage director Dmitry Bertman, director Galina Timakova, musical director Mikhail Egiazaryan, production and costume designer Alla Shumeiko, lighting designer Denis Enyukov, video designer Alexander Andronov, makeup artist Elena Nalichaeva.
We congratulate on the outstanding premiere and believe, that "The Stone Guest" will find the audience recognition and the long, successful, filled with love life in Helikon-opera.
Фотографии Ирины Шымчак и Антона Дубровского