Congratulations with the «Aleko» premiere!
On the 16th of June ended the premiere series of the opera “Aleko” by S. Rachmaninoff. Foe six evenings the heliconians were exсiting the audience with the great show staged by Rostislav Protasov.
The first opera of Rachmaninoff with the triumph entered to the repertoire of “Helikon-opera”! We are sure that the show will have long and happy life within the walls of our theatre and not only – soon Helikon will present “Aleko” within the framework of “Russian opera near the monastery walls” in Kolomna and Serpukhov.
The eternal story of freedom-loving gypsies – “people without the house, without the roots”, was created by director Rostislav Protasov (the honored worker of culture), musical director - Valery Kirianov, set and costume designer - Valery Kungurov, choreographer - Ilona Zinurova, lighting Designer - Damir Ismagilov, choirmaster - Yevgeny Ilyin.
For us, who live in 21st century, what is the main thing in the opera “Aleko”? The music of young Rachmaninoff forces to take a thought: what the author had meant? What this opera is about – love or treachery, freedom of choice? From time immemorial these questions worry people everyone should find the answers…
To the heroes of the first opera of Russian genius embodied: Aleko – Petr Morozov, Dmitry Yankovsky and Grigory Soloviov, Zemfira - Olga Tolkmit, Olga Shcheglova and Olga Davydova, the young gypsy – Ivan Volkov, Ivan Gyngazov and Vadim Letunov, the old gypsy - the Honoured Artist of Russia Mikhail Guzhov, Alexey Dedov, Alexander Kisselev, Stanislav Shvets, the old gypsy woman - the Honoured Artist of Russia Larisa Kostiuk, Alexandra Kovalevich and the People's Artist of Russia Elena Ionova. Thanks to the conductors Valery Kiryanov and Artem Davydov, orchestra, choir, who were residing the music in such a way that sometimes took away one’s breath. Fantastically lighting design was created by Damir Ismagilov and Denis Enyukov.
The audience accepted the new show with the great enthusiasm. Congratulations with the premiere!
“Thanks to everybody, who gave the part of themselves to this showб rehearsals and directly during the shows! – summarized the director Rostislav Protasov. – Without you, my friends, nothing would have happened! Thanks a lot to everybody for trust, understanding and creative enthusiasm! ”
Петр Морозов (Алеко) Дмитрий Янковский (Алеко)
Григорий Соловьев (Алеко) Ольга Толкмит (Земфира)
Ольга Щеглова (Земфира) Ольга Давыдова (Земфира)
Иван Волков (Молодой цыган) Вадим Летунов (Молодой цыган) и Ольга Давыдова (Земфира)
Лариса Костюк (Старая цыганка) и Михаил Гужов (Старый цыган) Ольга Щеглова (Земфира) и Алексей Дедов (Старый цыган)
Михаил Гужов (Старый цыган) и Ольга Толкмит (Земфира)
Александр Киселев (Старый цыган) Лариса Костюк (Старая цыганка) и Станислав Швец (Старый цыган)
Александра Ковалевич (Старая цыганка) Ольга Щеглова (Земфира) и Иван Гынгазов (Молодой цыган)
Валерий Кирьянов Артем Давыдов
Фотографии Ирины Шымчак и Антона Дубровского