Photoalbum. Vampuka, the African Bride


Vampuka - Inna Zvenyatskaya

Artists of the choir of Helikon-opera

Strafokamil - Alexey Tikhomirov, artists of the choir

Vampuka - Inna Zvenyatskaya, artists of the choir

Lodyre - Dmitry Ponomarev, Vampuka - Inna Zvenyatskaya

Lodyre - Dmitry Ponomarev, Vampuka - Inna Zvenyatskaya

Artists of the choir

Vampuka - Inna Zvenyatskaya

Artists of the choir

Strafokamil - Andrey Vylegzhanin, Vampuka - Maya Barkovskaya, Priest - Andrey Orekhov

Vampuka - Maya Barkovskaya, Strafokamil - Mikhail Nikanorov

Artists of the choir of Helikon-opera

Bows after the performance

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